2024 Media & Industry Partners

CIO Review
CIOReview is one of the leading print magazines in the US. It is the knowledge platform where C-suite executives deliberate on critical market challenges and current technological trends across industries. We are a unique magazine because all of our contributors are senior executives from the industry.

AITP Chicago
It is the mission of AITP Chicago to provide superior leadership and education in Information Technology. AITP is dedicated to using synergy of Information Technology partnerships to provide education and benefits to our members and to working with the industry to assist in overall promotion and direction of Information Technology.

Women In Cybersecurity (WiCys)
Past Media and Industry Partners

CIO Review
CIOReview is one of the leading print magazines in the US. It is the knowledge platform where C-suite executives deliberate on critical market challenges and current technological trends across industries. We are a unique magazine because all of our contributors are senior executives from the industry.

AITP Chicago
It is the mission of AITP Chicago to provide superior leadership and education in Information Technology. AITP is dedicated to using synergy of Information Technology partnerships to provide education and benefits to our members and to working with the industry to assist in overall promotion and direction of Information Technology.

CIO Strategy Council
The CIO Strategy Council is Canada’s only national forum for the country’s most forward-thinking CIOs and executive technology leaders to focus on collectively transforming, shaping and influencing the digital ecosystem. We are innovators in our companies and organizations, embracing digital, leading change, and driving the adoption of Canadian technologies